Dröm Klädkammaren/Dream walk-in closet
Jag trodde att nu när jag hade köpt detta hushar jag plats då, men icke? Nåväl--- tar det eller lämna det i fred!
IAF, jag alltid dröm om en stor klädkammare.
Nedan är mina dröm bilder. När kan jag ha sån? Funderar!

och detta är mitt dröm plats i huset...NÄR???

Images courtesy Mouseplanet/Disney
Nåväl, efter mina klagomål om mitt dilemma i mitt sovrum, jag fick reda på att asiatiska hemmet nuförtiden hänger med, den utlänska designen.
Jag älskar asiatisk möbel mönster eftersom jag växte upp med det atmosfören. Sannolika, västländer med sina shabby chic stilen.
Anyway, välkommen till Asien LOVE ...
Well, after my whines about my dilemma of my bedroom, I found out that asian home now a days are coping up with west designs.
I love asian furniture designs as I grew up with that ambiance. Likely, the west countries with their shabby chic style.
Anyway, welcome to ASIA LOVE? ...

Är det inte fint med den enkla stilren stil? Isn't that beauty w/ it's simplicity look? Less is best!
En underbar dag till ER allihopa...Have a nice day
Hjälp! mitt sovrum behöver MAKE-OVER!
Jag önskar mig ett romantiskt sovrum. Lite shabby har jag nu och för att få mer shabby chic, hur gör man? kanske lite tapet med rosor och sån... men jag har funderat på att tapetsera bara i huvugaveln. Överkastet? Är det bätre med bara vit eller quiltad med bleka rosor på? Vad sägs?
I really need your help, ladies! I 'm a bit desperated of our bedroom therefore, am here asking for your help and some tips on how I can do the make over of this part of the house. I wish a romantic shabby w/ a roses wall paper, maybe? or I'm planning, too... hmmmm... that only the head wall might have wall paper? About the bedcover? Which is better? Just plain white or a quilted whitish w/ pale rose`s? Hope am not mixing all the roses together that make the room petité. What you reckon ladies out in the cyber space... HELP MY PROB, PLS...
Thanks in advance everybody & all tips are so much appreciated.
** OBS!!! Lamporna letar jag fortfarande och det kommer snart... I'm still in a hunt of table lamps, though, will be there in place, hopefully soon ( b4 Aug 1) my birthday...have a big party at home *smile

Sovrummet är inte så stort, dessutom... dottern fick det största! My bedroom isn't big enough...
Daughter Liz got the master's bedroom, she needs it anyway, better than we do!
Mor & Dotter kväll
Det var ett tag sen jag och min lilla dotter Lizah var på vift i stan *fniss. Jo då! i New York gjorde vi. Jag lovade ju henne att vi ska göra ngt bara vi två. Shopping har hon ingen lust just men en tjejmiddag i stan och sedan bio fick ögonen att vakna till.
Efter jobbet rusade jag till Sergel bio för att träffa henne. Hon hade hämtat biljetterna och bjöd jag på en mysig middag. Hon beställde en ceasar sallad och jag grill biff med mycket sallad.
It was a little while me & my daughter Lizah was out for fun. Well, we done in NY. I promised her to do something one day just me and her. She's not into shopping right now, so i suggested for a girly dinner then watch a movie. It sparkles her eyes & so it was a deal. After work yesterday, I rushed to the city to met her. She picked up the tickets by the time i arrived and we went for a dinner. A ceasar sallad for her & a grill biff for the old mum.

We both said, that "when we grow UP *smile* we'll be like them... Hope we find a true friends forever. I found 3 real ones already... so, the thing we miss now, is TIME...
En awardee
I was a lil quite for awhile for some reasons beyond my control. But, in a way, someone thinks that above all, "am worth it" to get an award for a reason of blogging w/c is spreading in the blogg world. Am so happy PIXI and million thanks for being a good reader & a follower of my simple blog.

Nu när jag har fått denna fina utmärkelse skå jag dela ut den till dem som jag tycker är värda: Mina kandidater som jag alltid kolla in förutom mina favoriter är>>>>>> tchaaaadaaang---------
Here are the award's rule:
1) The winner can take the logo.
2) Place a link to the person who gave you the award.
3) Give the award at least 7 fav blog friends, w/c by it's currency the issue of choice and for their designs are specially noteworthy.
4) Put a link in these site in your blog.
5) Write a comment in their blogg that they won an award..."their worth it"
Ladies, i choose you of course because, I often peeped in in your blogs and it seems my day isn't complete w/out visiting them first.

Helgen's Snacks!
När middagen var klar och köket var rent så var jag lite fundersam, " vad har jag i kylskåpet, för en god snacks eller dip".
Ingenting! Jag såg att jag har philadelphia ost, creme fraiché och färska örter, dill, persilja, timjan, citronmelis och gräslök.
Hmmmm... (pekfinger i munnen... ser smart eller NOT)
Njaaahhh...jag plockade dem första ingredienserna och dill, blandade sammans och så hackade jag löken. Klippte dill och blandade och blandade, hällde i lite vitlöksalt, vitpeppar, lite salt och VOILÀ EN DIP TILL KEXEN...
Dottern skrek och sad..."HEAVEN GOOD" jo då! så allting är i fred och fröjd...
Hmmmm... my daughter was a bit craving of something & hubby of mine is craving for something for chips. I was a bit busy preparing for dinner, therefore I seems not to bother, what their murmuring *smile
When our saturday's dinner was over & my kitchen was nice and clean, I wonder and wander "what to have then?" Checked the ref and found only fresh herbs then creme fraiché and fresh cheese. I can't think of doing advance, so I decided to grab the last ingredients w/ dill, chopped onions, salt, pepper, garlic salt & VOILÁ! A DIP TO THEIR CRAVING SNACKS FOR THE WEEK-END!

Helgen's dröm: en skön plats någonstans i världen
Where are you thinking you're going this w/end ladies & gentlemen? I'm really dreaming of just to take a break and relax. I will have a foot spa and a thai body massage, as my hubby's friend is married to a Burmese lady who is a masseuse. They're coming for a visit at our place, so my family will get a wonderful massage. Well, ready for work next week. The only thing I miss is the atmosphere, I mean... the solemn surroundings like the pix below:

This is a restaurant in Samui w/ it's wonderful hotel & spa.
"Dining on the Rocks" is located at the northern mainland of northern Samui

It consists of 60 or so detach villas w/ private pools.
The view is totally stunning - 270 degrees of the surrounding islands and Gulf of Siam.
Hmmm... det är inte fel att drömma stor! När jag drömmer så jag mår faktisk bättre. Det underlättar.
Hmmm... it's not wrong to day-dream, huh? When I dream of something I usually feel better. It make things easier, than going around and be grumpy...
"roger & out"
Hälsosam DAG
Today, is warm and sunny day. I went down from my lil porch then down to my backyard to pick some raspberries. WOW! I picked 2 liters, my Gosh!!! there's still a lot to pick up tomorrow, next day & more next days after. This is the last week of my 2 weeks vacation, more 2 weeks was book too, so I was trying to have a healthy week. I get up early as I used to, then out for an hour or two for my power walk/jogging then, I had my fresh breaky w/ yoghurt & raspberries, a cup of coffe, a slice danish rye bread w/out butter w/ a non-fat cheese. HURRAY!!! HOpe this will continue, so I lessen more gained weight. At least, 3-4 kgs. as I think.
My raspberry bushes...

Still picking more berries...

Preparing my breakfast for today! Yummy & freshy...

Then do some work at the porch, applying oil on the floor... then...

Had a relaxation time at the Spa corner... Amazing day!

Er då? Hur har eran dag varit? Säkert att alla har så underbar dag, även om man var på jobbet eller hemma eller var man befinner sig...
How's your day been? Am pretty sure that you have a wonderful day whether you're at work, at home or wherever you may be.
*roger & out*
Några bilder från en fattigmans stuga
I started w/ a new life in my new poor man's house w/ my family, we just moved in. So far so good. My poor man's house is now settle almost 100% but unfortunately not what I been wishing for, as I had in my inspirational furniture designs. But, I am contented though, as long am happy and have a good health and the most important is that I own my crib and am so HAPPY together w/ the people who cares, stand by me and love me, above all. Thanks to them!!!
Here are some photos taken today after my jogging round for an hour. This is my new beginning of my new life!

Not long ago, my hubby choose this kitchen but He ended to...

This, a vanilla cream color kitchen panels w/ an italian tiles

Stove & at the left is the oven & microwave. Good for my back to avoid kneeling down
to check my lasagne or roasted chicken

My biggest dream! An open porch from my lounge...BUT again...

Photo: Architectural Digest
I ended up in a petité lounge to a petité open porch (still painting outside)

My dream laundry room...& still I ended up to---

Photo: Hampton Design humble laundry room, little but enough for 3 persons at home

Tyvärr... min plånbok är inte så tjock nog men ändå det går an!
Unfortunately, my wallet isn't too thick enough for my inspiration designs.
En cool svensk designer
Jag blev så glad när gubbe min hade kopplat alla sladdar och dessa apparater...svarta, silvriga och gråa... *fniss. Medan jag låg på dagbädden och tittade på honom, höll tummarna att snart allting ska igång. Han svor och var lite ilsken med alla anvisningar och så hörde jag att han höjde rösten, F...y f....n... inte sant! den fungerar ICKE!!!
Jag höjtade till, "TA´T LUGNT"... den kommer säker igång om du har tålamod... he he... §:-))
Mybroadband is now up running again! YEAH HAAA....
I was happy when my hubby fix all the wires and all the stuffs for the broadband. I was then laying on the day bed on the spare room in the end of his PC room while keeping my fingers cross that everything will be fix here & now. Suddenly, I heard that HE swore but i told him to calm down, then everything will be allright.
Jag bläddrade direk på mina favo sidor på nätet och hade läst i min Australianska kompis blogg att en frilance svensk designer är cool!!! Jag fnissade eftersom jag gillar hennes design med en humoristisk touché.
I directly browsed to my fav websites and read my aussie friend's blog. She stated that a cool freelance swedish lad is really wonderful in her humoristic design....

This is a mobile bathtub! Fit for who like to stay outdoor... to have suntan, huh?

Slacker Chair, after my summer vacation, I will demand my boss that i change my chair to this!!!

Bout having a kitchen rug like this? A big pot holder! A typical swedish stuff
Marie Louise Gustaffson based in Stockholm is the designer of the future furnitures above.
Måndags Tema: REGNIG = LATAR DAG
Hoppas alla mår bra efter den soliga w /end.
Det var bra för mig efter hela helgen med massor av mat (jag tänkte att jag måste gå ner ivikt) men tyvärr, en god vän till mig firade sin 40: e bday, så... det funkar inte så bra just nu... § :-(
Jag har gjort vardagsrummet i mitt nya crib och så långt är allt väl! Fortfarande jag gör ett pågående projek " om att måla dem nattduksbyrån" sen förhoppningsvis kommer resultatet blir bra.
Idag, måndag... så är det är regnig dag! Jag skulle vilja bara ha en hel vila dag i en mysig säng (precis vad Ni ser nedanför) och sedan vaknar med maten i min inspiration matbord. Är ider nte trevligt & väldigt mysig?
Vem vill va´med mig? Jo, jag vill att alla damer i cyber spacen gör precis vad jag önskar mig för idag.
Hope everybody's in the best of everything after the sunny w/end.
Been good w/end in my side w/ lots of food (i thought i have to loss weight) but unfortunately, a good friend of mine celebrated her 40th bday, so...there I go again...§:-(
Jst done the lounge at my new crib and so far, so good too! Still doing an ongoing going project "painting the chest of drawers". Hopefully, the outcome will good.
Today, Monday... it's rainy day!!! I would love just to take a day rest in a cozy bed like below & then have my meals in my inspiration dining table. Isn't that nice & very cozy?
Who wants to join me? Well, i love, all ladies in cyberspace to do like what am wishing for today. "LAY & BE LAZY"
Enjoy the rest of the day!
Here is my place for my lazy day. Feels princess or?
After all, I prefer to have my style, though... so sweet & cozy, indeed!
Fredags Tema: Beach 2008
Några kanske känner sig äcklad av det ordet men för mig, när jag hör "beach" så är det alltid sol & vatten som leker i tankarna.
Jag vill helst sitta här, vill NI?
The word Beach 2008 sounds pathetic to other but for me, it's always sun & water that come across my mind.
And love to stay here the whole summer... are YOU?

Vill ni va´med? Coming ladies?
Torsdags Tema: KAKFAT i alla form
De är bara angelägna om att se gamla hus som vi köpte och flyttade i 3 veckor sedan. Hittills allting gick bra med flyttningen.
Även vädret var med oss denna dag. Många vänner kom även om vi inte be om hjälp. Känns lättnad att dem tycker om oss och även känns att min familj är verkligen en godhjärtad familj.
Ja, det är i vår kultur att vi älskar att träffa våra familjer och vänner att samla även om ingen fest. Verkligen! På lördag, de kommer att besöka oss som sagt.
Med människor runt omkring mig gör att mitt adrenalin kick blir så hög ! LOVE it. Jag måste förbereda en del tårtor för sommaren kaffepaus hemma.
Jag älskar kakor och bakelser och vacker tårtfat, så mina damer... titta!
Week-end is on the air. Family & friends were coming to our place to visit us.
They're just eager to see the old house we bought and moved in 3 weeks ago. So far the moving of all the furniture & stuffs went so well.
Even the weather joined us this day. Lots of friends came even though we didn't ask for help. Sometimes, thinking of that, make me think that "I guess my family is good family & good hearted", though 
Yes, it's in our culture that we love to meet family & friends to gather together though no celebration. Indeed! On Saturday, they're coming to visit us.
Having people around me makes my adrenalin kick as sky high! Love it. I have to prepare some sweets for the summer coffee break at home. I love cakes & pastries and beautiful cake platters, so ladies...check it OUT!

Photos courtesy Pleasing Pentry
More cakes & pastries

Photo courtesy Cake Rose
Smide sängar? Jag föll för dem!!!
Nåja! jag gillar dem IAF sen jag var lite yngre. Alla storlekar och färger med fina sängkläder? Mama Mia...det känns som jag går hem nu från jobbet. Det är sååå tråååkigt här dem senaste veckorna.
It feels that am a lil bit weird why I like a wrought iron beds. People I know told me that they're not the world's best & do you think I listen & care? I guess, not! §:-))
Anyway, I just like them, seems so nice & comfy, isn't it? Looking at the pics makes me so tired & wanna go home from my work. It's so quite though, these past few weeks...
So here, I am...taking my fav beds for a long SIESTA!!! C´MON LADIES!!!