Hide Away!!!
Jag kom fortfarande ihåg när jag var ung, då, vi bodde på landet med mycket grönskan. Många av mina släktingar som bor i storstaden kom och hälsade på oss. Då, fattade jag ingenting... varför dem älskar bara att vara på landet? Nu när jag bor själv i storstaden, då fattar jag vitsen §:-))
Many people from metropolis love to take their short break during week-ends. Indeed, beach, summer houses, in-laws, friends, to their loveones are the favorites places to run away with. My clans who's living in the city used to come over for the week-end and spent their short breaks. I was really surprised why so? But now, I understand that they just want to go out from the stressy days for a "Hide Away"
Har Ni en favo gömställe? Jag har alltid ett hemligt stället. Det var då? och Nu vill man bara vara...
Do you have a favourite place to run away to? I had a secret place to hide then, but now, I just want to be where I am, then chill out for the rest of the week-end, doing nothing but be lazy.
Think if you have like this (in the future, maybe)! A wonderful place to chill out for the short w/end
This was how i run away & hide when I was young girl, but not as well organize as this *wink
Image is borrowed from SonjasGarden
Hej Chie!
Det bästa är att försvinna in i en bok, eller gå ut på en härlig långpromenad.
Jag önskar dej och din familj en skön helg.
Solvarma kramar från Irene
Re: Irene
Yes, att läsa en spännande bok är en av min sysselsättning i min favo stället §:-))
Ha en skön och lung helg på Er!
alltid en stor kram,
silly Chie just stick to the swedish as you seem to talk that really good...easy say for me as I tdo not speak any Swedish ;) I would love to have a hide away for the weekends, but I am happy not to live in a quiet neighberhood of the city. But we have lots and lots of touorists... just like Stockholm I think
Wherever you will spend it , hava nice weekend!
I mean I am happy to live in a quiet neighberhood ;P
We love to take short family breaks at o'Reilly's Rainforest up in the hinterland, one hours drive from our home. We bush walk through the beautiful rainforest and look for green tree frogs (my boys are obsessed), we float paper boats in streams and swing on vines. We stay in little cottages that have no TV and phone and just enjoy being a family. A-M xx
Skulle gärna sitta där och mysa med nått gott att dricka.
Kram Synne:D
I would love to stay in taht house at the seaside!! Not only at the weekends, but ALL THE TIME!!!!
Re: Des
Ha ha ha...ur so funny too! Nice to hear that you love to live where ur living now. That's the most important thing, dear.
Have a nice sunday.
Re: A-M
Cozy hide away in the forest. I can think the lil boys are obssessed w/ the green frogs. When my daughter was about 6-7 yrs old, she was crzy w/ those tadpoles too. We we're in the Philippines and as am from the country side. We just stopped having frogs as her pet.
Yeah, we must give time to our family as soon we have the off.
Nice to hear from you Lady A-M & hope u have a wonderful w/nd w/ ur fam.
greetings from Stockholm,
//lil chie
Re: Forgjengelige ting
Yeah...how i wish to live like this too. But maybe not in a cold country. §:-))
Hoppas du har en underbar söndag,