Shabby Chic? I guess I started to like it!
När jag bläddrar på kompisarnasblogg, såg jag om den danska eller franska inredningstilen "Shabby Chic". Jag gillar inte denna från början. Vet ej, varför! Då tyckte jag att inredningen passar ju på landet. Som en "country style".
Nyligen, var jag hos en vännina och hon har en så fin shabby stil. Mer eller mindre blandat i ny och gammalt.
When I browsed my fav friends blogs, I saw a lot of posts about the danish & the french "Shabby Chic" style. I don't really like this style in the beginning. It was more on the country style. Recently, I visited a friend that the couple love the SC style. I found her style so cool. She has such a fine shabby style. More or less a mixture of new and old.
Denna bild är inte hennes utan lånad av en annan kompis.
This photo isn't from my friend's house. This is just a borrowed one, indeed! If I plan to have a room for a shabby one? I probably have this inspiration. So simple but sophisticated.
As many of us love to go out to friends or to coffeshoppe, I want to show you some nice and dream coffe or tea cups. More retro than antiques?
Nyligen, var jag hos en vännina och hon har en så fin shabby stil. Mer eller mindre blandat i ny och gammalt.
When I browsed my fav friends blogs, I saw a lot of posts about the danish & the french "Shabby Chic" style. I don't really like this style in the beginning. It was more on the country style. Recently, I visited a friend that the couple love the SC style. I found her style so cool. She has such a fine shabby style. More or less a mixture of new and old.
Denna bild är inte hennes utan lånad av en annan kompis.
This photo isn't from my friend's house. This is just a borrowed one, indeed! If I plan to have a room for a shabby one? I probably have this inspiration. So simple but sophisticated.
******************** END for the SHABBY***************
Några fina inspirationsbilder lägger jag upp med. Nu alla vill ut och fika så har jag samlat fina kaffe och tea koppar.As many of us love to go out to friends or to coffeshoppe, I want to show you some nice and dream coffe or tea cups. More retro than antiques?
I just love the antique or a retro looks!!! Do you?
So cozy w/ black & white
An israeli retro tea set...