Hälsade på vårt lilla hus
Idag åkte familjen till det nya huset vi hade just köpt och körde nära 40 kartonger. Jag gick in och kollade igen huset och nu när förre detta ägare hade plockat ner alla saker och ting såg jag huset's skavanker. Jag var inte förvånad eftersom huset var ju från 1949. Vi tyckte att ägarna tog väl hand om huset.
Today, we went to the house we just bought to drive almost 40 moving boxes. I went to look around the house and I now realized that the house have some flaws. Well, am not really amazed of that coz we knew that the house was built 1949. The owner really toke good care of their treasure, coz you can see that there's not so much to repair.
IAF, mitt lilla kök ska vi fixa först och främst. Måla fönsterkarmar, bytta tapeter och måla om vägen och bytta golvet.
Anyways, I decided that the kitchen will be fix first. I will paint the window frames, change the wallpaper, paint the wall to white and change the floorings. (Actually, if your're not peeky like me, there's nothing serious to fix though).
Jag kollade på cyberrymden om jag hittar ett kök som passar till mitt lilla kök men jag hade inte hittat än. Alla köksbilder är ju så fina.
I browsed the net to check if I can see a kitchen that fit to mine but to no avail. These kitchen's are nice but I know it won't fit to mine. But wanna show you, though.

Min favo/My fave

Så klart, gubben's favo/Absolutely hubby's fave

Today, we went to the house we just bought to drive almost 40 moving boxes. I went to look around the house and I now realized that the house have some flaws. Well, am not really amazed of that coz we knew that the house was built 1949. The owner really toke good care of their treasure, coz you can see that there's not so much to repair.
IAF, mitt lilla kök ska vi fixa först och främst. Måla fönsterkarmar, bytta tapeter och måla om vägen och bytta golvet.
Anyways, I decided that the kitchen will be fix first. I will paint the window frames, change the wallpaper, paint the wall to white and change the floorings. (Actually, if your're not peeky like me, there's nothing serious to fix though).
Jag kollade på cyberrymden om jag hittar ett kök som passar till mitt lilla kök men jag hade inte hittat än. Alla köksbilder är ju så fina.
I browsed the net to check if I can see a kitchen that fit to mine but to no avail. These kitchen's are nice but I know it won't fit to mine. But wanna show you, though.

Min favo/My fave

Så klart, gubben's favo/Absolutely hubby's fave